I love vegetables and not only do they taste great they also have a wide range of health benefits.  Asparagus is one of my favorite vegetables that I include into my daily diet for multiple reasons.  The best benefit, in my opinion, is its’ diuretic qualities.

There are five main benefits of asparagus and the first is it’s loaded with essential vitamins and minerals.  Asparagus is a great source of vitamins A, C, E and K, fiber, folate, and chromium.  The next benefit of this vegetable is it is rich in detoxifiers and antioxidants that helps our immune systems fight off certain types of cancers such as breast, colon, bone or lung cancers.  Another benefit of this superfood is its ability to help our brains fight cognitive decline with age keeping our minds along with our bodies healthier longer.  The last and most beneficial aspect of this vegetable is that it is a natural diuretic.  What this means is that you will urinate more causing your body to get rid of excess water and salts that are stored in your body each and every day.  This aspect is very beneficial when leaning out or trying to lose weight.

I incorporate asparagus into my daily diet by eating it with my lean chicken or steak every other meal throughout my day.  For example, if I have my full amount of meals in a day which is seven, I would start my day with a protein shake and then for meals two, four, and six I would have asparagus with my meal to speed up the leaning out process.  A little trick that I like to use while cooking, grilling, or sauting my asparagus is to add cinnamon, cayenne pepper, and chili powder to increase my body’s natural metabolism to burn more fat while urinating out my excess water!

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